Kate E Galloway
synthetic biology. molecular systems biology. cell fate circuits.

Katie studied Chemical Engineering at UC Berkeley and obtained her PhD from Caltech. Though her work, she has engineered systems for dynamic behaviors across multiple scales, from the molecular design of noncoding RNA devices to optimization of large transcriptional networks. In the fall of 2019, Katie will start her lab at MIT in the department of Chemical Engineering.
Her lab focuses on developing integrated gene circuits and elucidating the systems-level principles that govern complex cellular behaviors. The ultimate goal of her research is to leverage synthetic biology to transform how we understand cellular transitions and engineer cellular therapies.

Katie studied Chemical Engineering at UC Berkeley and obtained her PhD from Caltech. Though her work, she has engineered systems for dynamic behaviors across multiple scales, from the molecular design of noncoding RNA devices to optimization of large transcriptional networks.
Her lab focuses on developing integrated gene circuits and elucidating the systems-level principles that govern complex cellular behaviors. The ultimate goal of her research is to leverage synthetic biology to transform how we understand cellular transitions and engineer cellular therapies.